Dear colleagues, we would like to inform you that we resume normal operations and will work remotely.
Please note that you can contact us at: +38 (098) 010 10 10. Glory to Ukraine!

Design of video surveillance systems

The design of video surveillance systems involves the creation of detailed documentation about what will be installed and where. Both the customer and the contractor are interested in such documentation, and the main goal of creating a detailed project plan is to describe the goals, understand the essence and create system drawings for a clear understanding of the locations of cable routes, equipment, and power sources.

When designing security video surveillance systems , data on used materials are included in the scheme.

It includes information about:

  • tactics of security measures;
  • management (from the customer);
  • function check;
  • operating rules.

Features of video surveillance project

First of all, you need to understand that the video surveillance project is based on project decisions, not on drawings. An individual solution is created for each object, depending on the features of the room and the goals pursued by the customer.

  • The first stage is the time to carry out extensive work on the selection and calculation of parameters;
  • At the same time, schemes and routes, drawings of laying cables and other equipment are created.
  • Sometimes a design solution may require testing or laboratory research. In this case, a preliminary "running-in" of the equipment is carried out in conditions close to real

The cost of designing a video surveillance system is already clear at this stage - after approval of all the optimal solutions, the final price for the project can be indicated. It depends on the scale of the project, the amount of equipment, its characteristics, and the cost of the equipment itself.

Creation of a video surveillance system project - work at the facility


  • pre-project study - at this stage, areas necessary for monitoring and control are identified. Distances are measured and structures for observation are studied. Routes of
    laying cable routes are determined;
  • Compilation of TOR. The technical task will be the main document, which reflects the purpose and task of installing and using the surveillance system. The TOR
    prescribes the methods of ensuring protection, compiles lists of instructions and describes the mode of operation of the object;
  • The design solution is in the development stage - at this time, security tactics are being developed and options for solving the client's problem are being sought.
    Specialists measure the level of efficiency of various options, check and adjust works;
  • Technical basis - at this stage, the estimate documentation is drawn up and the cost justification of decisions regarding the project is presented.

Based on that, it is clear that such a project is a rather complex type of design from an engineering point of view, and only professionals with experience and accreditation in the design of such systems should be consulted for help in organizing a video surveillance system.

Whether it is the creation of a video surveillance project of a city or a private territory - a competently created project will be able to guarantee the creation of a longlasting and well-established system for any purpose, the system will work without failures and provide coverage of the entire perimeter of the territory.

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